Plan on travelling to this subcontinent in the month of July? Here’s a detailed insight to help you understand the weather in India in July.

The Indian climate is intense and ever-changing and offers you all kinds of climate. From snow to heavy rain, from dry heat to humidity, and from blistering cold to unbearably hot temperatures.

By the end of June, the monsoon covers most of the country with a thick and wet blanket of clouds. The weather in India in July is wet followed by warmer weather in absence of rainfall. From Kerala in the South to the Himalayas in the North, it rains all throughout the country. Do not worry, the intensity of the rain greatly varies as you move North, which receives much lighter showers. This is where you can enjoy a great India trip.

Besides the negative effects of the monsoons – floods, landslides and an outdated infrastructure to cope with this, certain regions of India are breathtakingly beautiful at this time of the year. The vast stretches of lush green landscapes in the South and the beautiful weather in the state of Rajasthan, make for the best regions to visit during this time of the year. It is also a great time for trekking and nature enthusiasts.

Here’s a guide to help you plan the ideal trip despite the weather conditions in India during the monsoon season.

Wondering when is the best time to visit India, you can read this! Here is a detailed overview on what the weather would be like each month in India, in different regions of the country. Feel free to explore.

January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December

Monsoons in india Monsoons in Mumbai have an impact so magical and irresistible. A cup of tea, Vada Pav and the waves crashing against the shore while people simply stand and stare in awe.

weather in north India in July

By the end of June and beginning of July, the monsoons hit Rajasthan and other Central and Northern regions with moderate downpours. All the popular cities of the North like Jaipur, Agra, Delhi, Varanasi, Rishikesh and Amritsar experience a respite from the sweltering summer heat in the months between July and August.

Given that its cloudy on most days, the temperatures drop slightly and the humidity increases. Rajasthan experiences sporadic rainfall. This makes it easy to visit the various forts, palaces and temples without much interference in your travel plans. But the heat spells can definitely be exhausting and easily dehydrating if you spend long hours outdoors.

The east stream of the monsoon winds hit the Northeast of India by the beginning of June. Regions like Meghalaya witnesses heavy rainfall this time round. Accordingly, we suggest planning a trip to this region after October.

Dive Deeper: Discovering North India’s Top Attractions

Our two week travel routes for North India can get you started with travel ideas. Most of these are fine in the month of July.

Places to visit in India in July North India in the month of July – Photo Credit Faisal Fraz.

weather in the mountains in July

The Northern-most region of India, i.e. a part of the Himalayas – Leh, Ladakh, Lahaul and Spiti make for an excellent choice to travel to in the month of July. The temperatures here are moderate with low precipitation.

The alpine side of the India Himalayas i.e. Dharmshala, Manali, Shimla can receive a lot of rainfall. Accordingly, one has to be wary of extremely dangerous landslides that can be prone to occur at this time of year. The cooler regions at the foothills of the Himalayas can be a good escape from the heat. Keep this in mind if you want to travel and trek in the mountains!

weather in India in July Arhabal – Kashmir, India

weather in south India in July

Kerala experiences relatively light showers in July as compared to June. However, rainfall during this month is more frequent and lasts for longer spells. It is a great time for trekking and visiting the various national parks. If you prefer a dry holiday with lots of sun, then July might not be the best time to visit Kerala.

The constant rain can also be a hindrance for daily commute and activities. In Goa, most restaurants, shacks and beach activities stay closed from May to September. On the brighter side, the weather in India in July is the ideal time to book luxury resorts at discounted rates. Simply bask in luxury and relax indoors with spa treatments or ayurvedic massages. Both Goa and Kerala offer lush green landscapes, pleasant climatic conditions and breathtaking views.

Tamil Nadu on the other hand experiences a lot less rainfall which is ideal to explore this cultural region. The only flip side is the heat spells due to the lack of rainfall.

When to Go: Best Time for a Kerala Getaway

Wondering when is the best time to visit India, you can read this! Here is a detailed overview on what the weather would be like each month in India, in different regions of the country. Feel free to explore.

January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December

why visit India in July Munnar, Kerala


We would recommend exploring North India in July. You can explore Rajasthan and towns like Varanasi and Khajuraho. You can also visit the Himalayas, more on the same follows below. If you still want to see the monsoon in all its glory, which is gorgeous you can visit Goa and Kerala. While you explore this region, stay at some exquisite boutique hotels at much cheaper rates and enjoy South India devoid of tourists.

If you want to escape the heat and the monsoon all together and enjoy stunning landscapes, then the mountains is where you should go. Ladakh might be the best destination to visit in India in July. In the midst of the mountain ranges of the Himalayas, it offers breathtaking views and great opportunities for hikes. Ladakh is also called the cold desert for a reason as the precipitation is very low up there. In July, the temperatures are at their maximum but rarely exceed 30°C. It is also prime tourist season for this part of India so be prepared as it won’t be as tourist-free as the rest of India! Check out our blogs on travelling to Leh and Ladakh, and some potential travel routes that we’ve drafted for you!

We’d also recommend exploring the Western Ghats. The region is covered with national parks, wildlife sanctuaries and a few charming hill stations. You’ll find a variety of rare species of flora and fauna in the hills with endless fruit, tea and coffee plantations. In July, the temperatures are cool and the air is a lot cleaner. Other regions which you could definitely explore during the monsoons in India are WayanadMunnar and Thekkady. Further, the Dudhsagar Waterfall Hike in Goa is an excellent experience this time of year. Ooty in Tamil Nadu is very popular among domestic tourists, to flee the constantly changing climatic conditions of the cities in the monsoons.

Experience Luxury: Hotels in India

Why visit India in July Beautiful Dudhsagar Waterfalls, Goa (Photo Credit – Bishnu Sarangi)

For more detailed information on the best places to visit in India in July, or for any help to plan your ideal holiday to India, simply get in touch with us or hit that Plan Your Trip button.

Harsh Sonawala

About Harsh Sonawala

Harsh Sonawala is the co founder of India Someday and since his childhood, he has travelled to different parts of India and the world. The thrill of travelling and sharing his experiences with others was the reason behind starting India Someday. Other than the office where he is conjuring up marketing ideas, he can be found scuba diving in the Andamans or relaxing in a chalet in the Himalayas.

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