Amma in India – Who is she?

Amma – To this day, Amma is said to have helped 27 million people.  Because, it is the unconditional love at the service of all. Its action is above all a humanitarian work.


Amma’s life

Amma – On the morning of September 27, 1953, in a small village on the coast of Kerala in southern India , in a family of humble fishermen, she was a remarkable little girl. Her parents sometimes found her absorbed in a state of deep meditation , totally lost in this world.

The spirituality of Amma

It was in 1975 that Amma began to reveal her true mission: to relieve the suffering of the world and guide the steps of spiritual seekers. Long before that, Sudhamani (Amma) was divided between rigorous spiritual discipline and innumerable housework. The life of Sudhamani, despised and considered as a servant by her own family, was the perfect example of that of a misunderstood and misunderstood “saint.”

Gradually, Amma will travel all over India and abroad. She welcomes all who come to her, console her and spread her message of peace, love, compassion and selfless service. It is the “personification” of the noblest and highest tradition of India – the very embodiment of the true dimension of the Human Being.


It has established charitable projects in India such as educational facilities of all levels offering education based on moral values, low-cost hospitals and free medical aid, hospices, retirement homes, free housing for the indigent, financial aid for widows and victims of natural disasters. These activities are a concrete manifestation of a feeling that Amma often expresses: “Love and compassion for those who are poor and those who suffer are our duty to God.

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Amma today

To date, Amma has embraced 24 million people. (2005 figure)

She has been giving Darshan for 30 years (1975-2005)

Darshan comes from a root meaning to see, vision.
To have the darshan of a sage, of a divine representation, of a place, etc., is to receive the blessing from seeing it. The Hindus would say: I make a pilgrimage to Lourdes to have the darshan of Mary

In these times when the intellect is king, Amma offers people from all walks of life the authentic values ​​of the heart, recreating a balance between the functions of the head and the qualities of the heart.

Today, by the force of her love, Amma is at the head of a large and growing spiritual organization, made up of about twenty ashrams in India and other countries.

ashram of amma in india =

It is the universal religion of love which is thus concretized



How to meet?

She is a great traveler and she does not keep a fixed schedule. She travels frequently to her many Ashrams and so is not guaranteed to meet her during your trip to India. However, when you book a stay with us, do not hesitate to ask us. We will try to find out for you whether or not you are present at one of your Ashrams.

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Harsh Sonawala

About Harsh Sonawala

Harsh est l’un des fondateurs de India Someday. Ils voyage en Inde et partout en Asie depuis qu’il est tout petit. L’excitation qui précède un voyage est ce qui l’a poussé à créer India Someday. Vous le trouverez au bureau à créer des campagnes marketing ou à faire de la plongé dans les Andamans ou à hiberner dans un chalet dans l’Himalaya.

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