11 Unforgettable Adventures in Spiti Valley, India

By Harsh Sonawala

Oct 27, 2023

11. Visit the Mummy of Giu: 

Discover the 500-600-year-old mummy of a monk in Giu's temple, an enigmatic and well-preserved relic.

10. Bike or Trek to Chandra-Tal:

 Explore the crescent-shaped Chandra-Tal lake and embark on moderate treks like Suraj Tal, Dhankar Lake, and more.

9. Suraj Tal – Nature at Its Best:

Witness the breathtaking beauty of Suraj Tal, the crescent-shaped lake with turquoise waters, where some seek spiritual cleansing.

8. Send a Postcard from the Highest Post Office: 

Share your Himalayan experience with friends from the post office at 14,567 feet in Hikkim, sipping coffee at a nearby cafe.

7. Ride a Yak with Your Family:

 Interact with timid yet friendly domestic yaks, a vital part of local life in Spiti.

6. Retail Therapy at Kaza Market:

 Bargain for handicrafts, idols, and Tibetan prayer flags at Kaza's bustling market, collecting souvenirs of your adventure.

5. River Rafting in Icy Waters: 

Experience an adrenaline rush with water rafting on Spiti and Pin rivers, enjoying the scenic landscapes along the way.

4. Pass Through Baralacha La:

Challenge  your courage on the world's highest motorable passes, but be prepared with supplies on this thrilling road trip.

3. Explore Nako Village:

Step into a sustainable lifestyle at Nako Village, known for eco-friendly practices and breathtaking views.

2. Meditate at Buddhist Monasteries:

Discover inner peace at monasteries like Key Monastery, where monks are happy to share their spiritual haven with visitors.

1. Camp Under a Blanket of Stars:

 Immerse yourself in a stargazing paradise at Spiti's pollutant-free locations like Dhankar Lake and Chandra-Tal.

Eager to embark on your Spiti Valley adventure? Let 'India Someday' craft your perfect Himalayan getaway!

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